Sunday, May 24, 2020
Biography of Queen Nefertiti, Ancient Egyptian Queen
Nefertiti (c. 1370 BCE–c. 1336 or 1334 BCE) was an Egyptian queen, the chief wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, also known as Akhenaten. She is perhaps best known for her appearance in Egyptian art, especially the famous bust discovered in 1912 at Amarna (known as the Berlin Bust), along with her role in the religious revolution centering on monotheistic worship of the sun disk Aten. Fast Facts: Queen Nefertiti Known For: Ancient queen of EgyptAlso Known As: Hereditary Princess, Great of Praises, Lady of Grace, Sweet of Love, Lady of The Two Lands, Main Kings Wife, his beloved, Great Kings Wife, Lady of all Women, and Mistress of Upper and Lower EgyptBorn: c. 1370 BCE in ThebesParents: UnknownDied: 1336 BCE, or perhaps 1334, location unknownSpouse: King Akhenaton (formerly Amenhotep IV)Children: Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhesenpaaten, and Setepenre (all daughters) The name Nefertiti has been translated as The Beautiful One Is Come. Based on the Berlin bust, Nefertiti is known for her great beauty. After the death of her husband, she may well have ruled Egypt briefly under the name pharaoh Smenkhkare (ruled 1336–1334 BCE). Early Life Nefertiti was born about 1370 BCE, probably in Thebes, although her origins are debated by archaeologists and historians. Egyptian royal families were always tangled by the intermarriage of siblings as well as by children and their parents: Nefertitis life story is difficult to trace because she went through several name changes. She may have been a foreign princess from an area in what became northern Iraq. She may have been from Egypt, the daughter of the previous Pharaoh Amenhotep III and his chief wife Queen Tiy. Some evidence suggests that she may have been the daughter of Ay, Pharaoh Amenhotep IIIs vizier, who was a brother of Queen Tiy and who became pharaoh after Tutankhamen. Nefertiti grew up in the royal palace at Thebes and had an Egyptian woman, the wife of a courtier of Amenhotep III, as her wet nurse and tutor, which suggests she was of some importance in the court. It seems certain that she was brought up in the cult of the sun god Aten. Whoever she was, Nefertiti was set to marry the Pharaohs son, who would become Amenhotep IV by the time she was about 11 years old. Wife of the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV Nefertiti became the chief wife (queen) of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (ruled 1350–1334), who took the name Akhenaten when he led a religious revolution that put the sun god Aten at the center of religious worship. This was a form of monotheism that only lasted as long as his rule. Art from the time depicts a close family relationship, with Nefertiti, Akhenaten, and their six daughters depicted more naturalistically, individualistically, and informally than in other eras. Images of Nefertiti also depict her taking an active role in the Aten cult. For the first five years of Akhenatens rule, Nefertiti is depicted in carved images as being a very active queen, with a central role in ceremonial acts of worship. The family most likely lived at the palace of Malkata in Thebes, which was grand by any standard. Amenhotep Becomes Akhenaten Before the 10th year of his reign, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV took the unusual step of changing his name along with the religious practices of Egypt. Under his new name of Akhenaten, he established a new cult of Aten and abolished the current religious practices. This undermined the wealth and power of the cult of Amun, consolidating power under Akhenaten. Pharaohs were divine in Egypt, no less than gods, and there are no records of public or private dissent against the changes Akhenaten institutedâ€â€during his lifetime. But the modifications he made to the hide-bound religion of Egypt were vast and must have been deeply unsettling to the populace. He left Thebes, where pharaohs had been installed for millennia, and moved to a new site in Middle Egypt that he called Akhetaten, the Horizon of Aten, and which archaeologists call Tell el Amarna. He defunded and shut down temple institutions at Heliopolis and Memphis, and co-opted elites with bribes of wealth and power. He established himself as a co-ruler of Egypt with the sun god Aten. Corbis via Getty Images / Getty Images In court artwork, Akhenaten had himself and his wife and family depicted in strange new ways, images with elongated faces and bodies and thin extremities, hands with long fingers curving upwards and extended bellies and hips. Early archaeologists were convinced that these were true representations until they found his perfectly normal mummy. Perhaps he was presenting himself and his family as divine creatures, both male and female, both animal and human. Akhenaten had an extensive harem, which included two of his daughters with Nefertiti, Meritaten and Ankhesenpaaten. Both had children by their father. Disappearanceâ€â€or the New Co-King After 12 years of reigning as the beloved wife of the pharaoh, Nefertiti seems to disappear from recorded history. There are multiple theories about what may have happened. She may, of course, have died at that time; she may have been assassinated and replaced as a Great Wife by another, perhaps one of her own daughters. One tantalizing theory growing in support is that she might not have disappeared at all, but rather changed her name and become Akhenatens co-king, Ankhkheperure mery-Waenre Neferneferuaten Akhetenhys. The Death of Akhenaten In the 13th year of Akhenatens rule, he lost two daughters to the plague and another to childbirth. His mother Tiy died the next year. A devastating military loss deprived Egypt of its lands in Syria, and after that, Akhenaten became a fanatic for his new religion, sending his agents out into the world to remake all the Egyptian temples, chiseling out the names of the Theban gods on everything from the temple walls and obelisks to personal objects. Some scholars believe Akhenaten may have forced his priests to destroy the ancient cult figures and slaughter the sacred beasts. A total eclipse occurred on May 13, 1338 BCE, and Egypt fell into darkness for more than five minutes. The effect on the pharaoh, his family, and his kingdom is unknown but may have been seen as an omen. Akhenaten died in 1334 during the 17th year of his reign. Nefertiti the Pharaoh? The scholars who suggest Nefertiti was Akhenatens co-king also suggest the pharaoh that followed Akhenaten was Nefertiti, under the name of Ankhkheperure Smenkhkare. That king/queen quickly began the dismantlement of Akhenatens heretical reformations. Smenkhkare took two wivesâ€â€Nefertitis daughters Meritaten and Ankhesenpaatenâ€â€and abandoned the city of Akhetaten, bricking up the temples and houses of the city and moving back to Thebes. All the old cities were revived, and the cult statues of Mut, Amun, Ptah, and Nefertum and other traditional gods were reinstalled, and artisans were sent out to repair the chisel marks. She (or he) may also well have selected the next sovereign, Tutankhatenâ€â€a boy of just 7 or 8 who was too young to rule. His sister Ankhesenpaaten was tapped to watch over him. Smenkhkares rule was short, and Tutankhaten was left to complete the re-establishment of the old religion under the name of Tutankhamen. He married Ankhesenpaaten and changed her name to Ankhesenamun: she, the last member of the 18th dynasty and Nefertitis daughter, would outlive Tutankhamen and end up married to the first of the 19th dynasty kings, Ay. Legacy Tutankhamens mother is noted in records as a woman named Kiya, who was another wife of Akhenaten. Her hair was styled in the Nubian fashion, perhaps indicating her origin. Some images (a drawing, a tomb scene) point to the pharaoh mourning her death in childbirth. Images of Kiya were, at some later time, destroyed. DNA evidence has surfaced a new theory about Nefertitis relationship to Tutankhamen (King Tut)â€â€he was clearly the child of incest. This evidence might suggest that Nefertiti was the mother of Tutankhamen and a first cousin of Akhenaten; or that Nefertiti was his grandmother, and Tutankhamens mother was not Kiya but one of Nefertitis daughters. Sources Cooney, Kara. When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt. National Geographic Books, 2018. Hawass, Z. The Golden King: The World of Tutankhamun. (National Geographic, 2004).Mark, Joshua J. Nefertiti. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 14 Apr 2014.Powell, Alvin. A different take on Tut. The Harvard Gazette, Harvard University, February 11, 2013. Rose, Mark. Wheres Nefertiti? Archaeology Magazine, September 16, 2004.Tyldesley, Joyce. Nefertiti: Egypts Sun Queen. London: Penguin, 2005.Watterson, B. The Egyptians. (Wiley-Blackwell, 1998).
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
New Changes and Emerging Disturbances to Agriculture
New Changes and Emerging Disturbances For along time smallholder agricultural systems has depended on inorganic fertilizers to supply the nitrogen required for crop growth as well as maintaining or slowing the rate of carbon loss. However, in other cases especially in Nitrogen limited environment of cereal based cropping systems (such as Mzimba district), fertilizer additions can actually enhance soil carbon loss (Snapp and Pound, 2008). The continued use of inorganic fertilizers has reduced soil carbon in the district and hence reduced the water holding capacity of the soil. Sustainable use of fertilizers is accompanied by the availability of residues in the soil however an emerging challenge is that recently there has been a competing demand for residues between crops and livestock. The clearing of land in search for settlement land and opening of new farming land has led to reduced forest areas and/or grasslands where livestock used to graze and consequently, they depend solely on crop residues. This competition redu ces the availability of residues to replenish soil organic matter and in the process the resilience of the agricultural systems. The outcome of the loss of resilience if increased reduced soil fertility and eventually low productivity. Another emerging change and irregular disturbance to the resilience of the agro ecosystem happening in the district is the issue of burning farming land in quest for reducing labour requirements when preparing the land forShow MoreRelatedThe Coastal And Marine Conservation And Management Approaches907 Words  | 4 Pagesrecognition of the coastal environment, existing and emerging threats and important economic value, implies that a feasible management approach is necessary. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Linguistics and Language Teaching. Free Essays
Grammatical mistakes made by non- native English language speakers. Introduction Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication. The scientific study of language in any of its senses is called linguistics. We will write a custom essay sample on Linguistics and Language Teaching. or any similar topic only for you Order Now Linguistic theory has traditionally considered native speakers as the only reliable source of linguistic data (Chomsky 1965). It is therefore not surprising to ? nd only a limited number of works focusing on non-native speakers prior to the 1990s. The ? rst attempt to put‘(non)nativism’ onto the centre stage of linguistic inquiry by challenging current undisputed assumptions on the matter was Paikeday’s (1985) The native speaker is dead , in which it is argued that the native speaker ‘exists only as a ? gment of linguist’s imagination’ (Paikeday 1985: 12). Paikeday suggested using the term ‘pro? cient user’ of a language to refer to all speakers who can successfully use it. A few years later, Rampton (1990) similarly proposed the term ‘expert speaker’ to include all successful users of a language. Davies (1991, 2003) further delved into ‘native speaker’ identity, and thus formulated the key question of whether a second language (L2) learner can become a native speaker of the target language. His conclusion was that L2 learners can become native speaker of the target language and master the intuition, grammar, spontaneity, creativity, pragmatic control, and interpreting quality of ‘born’ native speakers. Generally, English educated Malaysians of all ethnic and family language background speak and move alike. However, with the implementation of the national language policy of Bahasa Malaysia as the national language of Malaysia and as the language of instruction, (except in the cases of Chinese or Tamil medium primary schools), the status of English Language in Malaysia is different from the earlier years. The English language covered a continuum from first language through second language to a foreign language. Bahasa Malaysia is replacing English in most of its previous functions, but English may be expected to remain as a continuum from second language to foreign language according to the background and occupation of the speaker. In Malaysia, presently the use of English is less common than in Singapore and is likely to decrease steadily with the implementation of the national language policy. However, English still remains as a language of considerable importance and is still being used in various spheres of everyday activity. The role of English has changed from its earlier status as the precise language of the colonial era and the decades after the Second World War to a second language. At the moment, it is still considered as an international code to be used for diplomatic and commercial negotiations and as a language necessary in many fields of tertiary study and research. Not surprisingly, the non-native English language speakers among Malaysians make grammatical mistakes from time to time. These usually happened among Malaysian adult students and even among some Malaysian English teachers. 1. The transcript of a recorded conversation. The following excerpt is a recorded conversation among teachers and will be analysed of the mistakes made by some teachers during discussion. Our discussion was on the quality and effectiveness of a programme called ‘Program Penutur Jati’ or English Language Teacher Development Project (ELTP). Briefly, the aim of the project is to enhance the lower primary ESL teachers’ ability to plan and deliver quality English lessons based on the new National English Language Curriculum in 600 schools across East Malaysia. The teachers involved in discussion come from various races, ethnic groups, ages and teaching experiences. Kamel : That is my opinion. I don’t know yours. Ok. Chairperson : I agree †¦. augh Kamel : But , as I said just now. I don’t like that the fixture.. ok. For example aaaa as my mentor come to our school .. every Monday ok.. my class start at nine o’clock†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7. 30.. that mean one and half hour include the preparation for my lesson, so I don’t think that I have an ample time for me to prepare the things†¦ ok . Moreover, the one hour and one and h alf hour is the .. for all to prepare.. the whole week not only , the one day. So I don’t think that will be effective. Chairperson: Emmmm Kamel : So Chairperson : Did you tell him about it? Kamel: Aaaaaa†¦ So far not yet. Chairperson : Do you have the chance to talk about it. Kamel : Because, I don’t have any.. I don’t have the opportunity to.. Chairperson : Then, you should tell him. Kamel ; I was thinking. Why don’t the mentors like them to be .. have qualification in teaching, so that they can come to the trainee teachers training college rather than†¦ Chairperson : For your information, ahh Chairperson : Overall, it seems to be working with you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Naga : The ideas (cough)†¦ is good and different†¦ he is friendly. Chairperson : So.. ahh. If supposing .. You have a mentor to this.. who doesn’t speak.. doesn’t speak like Morrocan. Alright Naemah : Yehhh Chairperson: Right.. Alright, if.. Chairperson: Who? Chairperson : Madam Soya? She is from where? Others : Bulgaria.. (together) Chairperson : Bulgaria? Does she have the accent? Chairperson: What do you think? Do you think†¦ | 2. Common grammatical mistakes and errors by non-native English speakers. The types of errors can be categorised into two: descriptive and surface structures. Descriptive errors include noun phrase, verb phrase and complex sentence. While surface structure errors include omission, addition, misinformation, misordering and blends. After analysing the recorded conversation, there are few mistakes or errors made by Mr. Kamel during the said discussion. a. The use of unmarked forms instead of marked forms is far more frequent, as can be seen in the examples as follows. * I don’t know yours. * I don’t know about you. * .. as I said just now. * .. as I have said just now. One possible cause of these errors is merely interlingual errors which is the result of mother tongue influences ‘Saya tak tahu awak punya’ and ‘†¦ seperti yang saya kata tadi. respectively. In his article, ‘A Role for the Mother Tongue’ in ‘Language Transfer in Language Learning’, Professor Corder (1981) reinvestigated the phenomenon and questions the term ‘transfer’. He suggests that mother tongue influence as a neutral and broader term to refer to what has most commonly b een called transfer. Corder says that since most studies of error were made on the basis of the performance of learners in formal situations where it appears that errors related to mother tongue are more frequent, it was natural that an explanation of the phenomenon was of considerable concern to the applied linguistic. It was out of this concern that the whole industry of contrastive studies arose. He also claims that as far as the acquisition of syntactic knowledge is concerned, no process appropriately called interference takes place, if by that we mean that the mother tongue actually inhibits, prevents, or makes more difficult the acquisition of some feature of the target language. The term ‘interference’ is now most often used to mean what is no more than the presence in the learner‘s performance in the target language of mother-tongue-like features which are incorrect according to the rules of the target language. b. Obviously. Mr. Kamel has the problem in pronouncing certain words especially in the pronunciation of the initial sound of common words like the, there, then and that. It is also the middle consonant sound in feather and the final sound of bathe. These sounds are formed with the tongue tip behind the upper front teeth. The initial sound of that and the final sound of both are both voiceless dental. This problem arises because Mr Kamel’s tongue is not merely touches the teeth. Thus, his pronunciation of these particular words are incorrect. Besides, difficulty in phonology can caused by mother tongue interference. Eltrug (1984) affirmed that mother tongue interference can contribute to a large number of pronunciation errors made by students. An English sound does exist in the native language, but not as separate phonemes. This simply means the first language speakers do not perceive it as a distinct sound that makes difference to meaning. For example The sound /? / does exist in Malay, but whether the vowel is long or short does not make any difference in meaning. For instance, the English phonemes/? / and /i:/ differ very much in meaning as in the words ‘leave’ and ‘live’, ‘sheep’ and ‘ship’. The great amount of vocabulary of English really makes the second language learner suffer in reading. There is a lot of words unknown and the most confusing point is even the second language learner know the meaning but they can’t really understand the meaning of the whole sentence. It is because an English word gives different impressions in different situations. This makes things so confusing about the meaning of the word. Grammatical interference is defined as the first language influencing the second in terms of word order, use of pronouns and determinants, tense and mood. Interference at a lexical level provides for the borrowing of words from one language and converting them to sound more natural in another and orthographic interference includes the spelling of one language altering another. In Malay grammar, it does not require one to have any form of determiner in front of instruments like computer, piano, internet. English grammar, however, requires the instruments mentioned above (computer, piano, internet) to be preceded by determiners and if neither a possessive determiner nor a demonstrative determiner is used, the use of either a definite article or an indefinite article is necessary. Thus, the ungrammatical sentences in could be the result of interference of the cultural transfer from Malay language structure on English. Erroneous form| Correct form| She plays piano while I sing. Malay: Dia bermain piano sementara saya menyanyi. | She plays the piano while I sing | She stay at home. Malay : Dia tinggal di rumah | She stays at home. | Table 1 : Examples of interference from the learners’ first language. c. Subjects also exhibited errors in subject-verb agreement as is shown in the examples as follows: * Every Monday, my class start at nine o’clock†¦. * Every Monday, my class starts at nine o’clock†¦. The omission of â€Å"-s†can be attributed to the fact that Bahasa Malaysia does not require verbs to agree with subjects. However, the ending free form is generalised for all persons to make the learning task easier and this is a common intralingual made by people with diverse native languages like Mr Kamel. 3. Causes and sources of errors and mistakes Interlingual errors are the result of mother tongue influences. Learners transfer/borrow some forms but not others due to two factors such as proto-typicality and language distance (Kellerman, 1979). Malay learners of English commonly make errors in negative sentences. For example: Adryna no coming today. [Adryna tak datang hari ini. ] Such errors are common in pre-verbal negation using no, the same negative construction as in their L1. In order to determine whether transfer is the cause for the occurrence of errors, James (1998), demonstrates that learners with a particular L1 make an error that those with a different L1 do not. He provides a useful summary of these strategies which includes the following; a. False analogy b. Misanalysis c. Incomplete rule application exploiting redundancy d. Overlooking co-occurrence restrictions e. System-simplification It is not clear which strategy is responsible for a particular error. Errors can also be viewed as ‘natural’ or as ‘induced’. For example: a. He played football yesterday. b. He goed home at six. c. He drinked milk. d. He eated dinner. e. He sleeped at eight. Conclusion To conclude, learners’ errors are a part of the learners’ language learning process. Hence, teachers should not penalise students for the errors they made. Instead, teachers should note those errors and devise ways to assist learners to overcome their problems in language learning. It is difficult to decide whether grammatically or acceptability should serve as the criterion for error analysis. If grammatically is chosen, an error can be defined as ‘breach of the rule of the code’ (Corder, 1967). Defining errors in terms of grammatically also necessitates giving consideration to the distinction between overt and covert error: In the field of methodology, there are two schools of thought with regard to learners’ error. Firstly, the school which maintains that if we were to achieve a perfect teaching method, the errors would have never be committed and therefore the occurrence of errors is merely a sign of inadequacy in our teaching techniques. The philosophy of the second school is that we live in an imperfect world and consequently errors will always occur in spite of our very best teaching and learning ethods. One effect has been perhaps to shift the emphasis away from a preoccupation with teaching towards a study of learning. The differences between the two are clearly defined: that the learning of the mother tongue is natural, whereas, we all know that there is no such inevitability about the learning of a second language; that the learning of the mother tongue is p art of the whole maturational process of the child, whilst learning a second language normally begins only after the maturational process is complete. A child’s incorrect utterances can be interpreted as being evidence that he is in the process of acquiring language and the errors provide these evidences. Brown and Frazer (1964), point out that the best evidence a child possesses construction rules is the occurrence of systematic errors, since when the child speaks correctly, it is quite possible that he is only repeating something that he has heard. In the case of the second language learner, it is known that we do know some knowledge of what the input has been which we call as the syllabus. The simple fact of presenting a certain linguistic form to a learner in the classroom does not necessarily qualify it for the status of input, for the reason that input ‘is what goes in’, not ‘what is available’ for going in, and we may reasonably suppose that it is the learner who controls this input. This may well be determined by the characteristics of his language acquisition mechanism and not by those of the syllabus. References Mariam Mohd Nor, Abdul Halim Ibrahim, Shubbiah, R (2008). OUM-Linguistics and Language Teaching. Seri Kembangan, Selangor. Open University Malaysia. Corder, S. P. (1967). The significance of learners’ errors. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 5, 161-70. Corder, S. P. (1981). Error analysis and interlanguage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ames, C. (1998). Errors in language learning and use: Exploring error analysis. London: Longman. Kellerman, E. (1979). Transfer and non-transfer: Where are we now? Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2: 37-57. Eltrug, N. S. (1984). Analysis of the Arab Learners’ Errors in Pronunciation of English Utterances in Isolation and Context. Ph. D Dissertation. The University of Kansas. Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Paikeday, T. (1985). The native speaker is dead! Toronto: Paikeday Publishing. Rampton, M. B. H. (1990). Displacing the ‘native speaker’: Expertise, af? liation, and inheritance. ELT  Journal 44. 2, 97–101. Davies, A. (1991). The native speaker in applied linguistics . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Davies, A. (2003). The native speaker of World Englishes. Journal of Pan-Paci? c Association of Applied Linguistics 6. 1, 43–60 How to cite Linguistics and Language Teaching., Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Nestle Australia Used To Own Peter Ice Cream-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Nestle Australia Used To Own Peter Ice Cream? Answer: Introducation: Go to Nestle's Australian web site ( Review its latest news and the Peter's brand page to identify recent new-product launches or promotional campaigns. Which segments of the market are these products/campaigns aimed at? Do you think they will be successful? Why or why not? Nestle Australia used to own Peters ice cream from mid 1990s to 2012. In 2012, Nestle announced to sell its brand of Peters ice cream to fund advised by Pacific Equity Partners. The sold amount was not disclosed by Nestle. Along with Peters ice cream, there were some of well-known sub brands that were also acquired such as original, light creamy, billabong, Frostly fruits and Monaco Bar. But in 2014, Peters ice cream was sold to RR ice cream a UK based firm. In 2016, Peter has now launches a new range of ice creams inspired by the Nestles confectionery brands. This ice cream range from Coles and Woolworth which consists of: Milo: flavored ice cream with choc pieces throughout Fantales: Caramel flavored ice cream with chocolate sauce and chewy caramels mixed in Smarties: Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream with mini smarties chocolates Peppermint Crisp: Peppermint flavored ice cream with chocolate sauce and crispy peppermint pieces. Fruit Tingles:Tutti frutti flavored ice cream with fruit tingle lollies. Even though Peters was sold by Nestle, they continued to work together and utilizing the power of both the brands together. The collaboration between these two brands has maximized the sales throughout the year. According to the two brands, ice cream and chocolates are counter-seasonal, ice cream is one of the highest sellers in summer and chocolate is highest seller in winter. Due to this the collaboration maintains their presence throughout the seasons. In recent year, Peters have collaborated with several other companies to create ice creams. Peters and Nestle are also working together to create a new product i.e. Milo Scoop Shake which should be sold in stores, milk bars, canteens and petrol stations. Nestle tries to keep all their target audience engage with the activities to promote the new launches and ensuring the increase in sales of product. Apart from Nestle, Peter has also collaborated with Arnotts to launch a new line of ice creams. The ice cream launches a range of Arnotts classic biscuits which includes Wagon Wheels, Mint Slice, Iced Vovo and Caramel Crowns. The major challenge is that the flavors of both the brands should be true to each other. The entire aim of this collaboration of these brands was to bring back childhood memories of eating Arnotts biscuit. Peters ice cream has collaborated with several other food brands to uplift their products among their target audience. These collaboration help both Peters as well as the firm to reach out to more and more audience through their new products and line of new flavored ice creams (Chan, 2012). It appears that Peters strategy would be successful as they have shown intelligence to launch the products that just fit together and complement each other. The good thing for Peters and Nestle is that the products under the category of Ice Cream and chocolates do not compete. Another possible success point is that the target audience of youth and millennials are less price sensitive and this is the reason that brand can actually charge a premium pricing. Discuss how worldwide demographic trends are affecting opportunities for international marketing and which industries are set to benefits from the ageing baby boomers. Business change the way in international market to remain profitable. There are certain trends in international business that should take advantage of changing environment to create a niche for the firm. One of trend that affects the international market is demographic shifts. There will always be shift in population in the industrialized world which is aging while several other developing countries still have youth population. The future of the countrys economy should be determined by the evolving demographic. The population growth in the developing nation is the source of rising domestic demand. Demographic factors such as size of population, population growth, rates, age, composition, family size, income levels are one of the significant implications of business (Neirotti, De Marco, Cagliano, Mangano Scorrano, 2014). Companies do not prefer to invest in the countries with less population. There might be huge chance of opportunities for some companies. However, countries with large population and with the advanced technologies can be one of the major causes to attract the market. The international trade and foreign investment usually take place between the nations. Due to the larger potential in these markets, the competitions are stronger in developed countries (Brush, 2012.). The countries with higher income level may also create problem for the investment from international traders. The decline in birth rate and consequent fall in the size of baby population, the market for baby products also gets shrunk. Due to these reasons, the companies have started to pay more attention to international business. With the decline in birth rate, there are several other industries starts to come into play. For Example, industries such as hotel, airline and restaurants, these industries have benefited for the childless couple to spend more time along with each other have spent their incomes for travel and eat out. In developing countries, the birth rate may have declined but the population growth rate is still high. With the steady increase in income rate marks the faster growth in the market. Population explosion will be one of the problems of developing countries that indicate the huge scope for several other industries. High population growth rate also has huge increment in labor supply. Cheap labor attract large amount of multinational companies to invest in those developing countries. Several companies have already relocated their product facilities entirely or partially to these developing countries to reduce their production cost and labor cost. For example, Automobile manufactures of US, Korea and Japan are setting up their manufacturing units in developing countries for exporting as well as for the local market (Bonoli, 2017). It is expected that the forces of Internet would continue to shape the e-commerce industry and a point would come when the international borders would not matter much. The key thing for international marketers is to ensure that a cultural fitment is achieved when the organizations are launching their products in new market. The cultural fit would ensure that the product is successfully placed in the new market Reference Chan, A.M., 2012. Patriotic marketing: an Australian case example. InProceedings of 5th Global Business and Social Sciences Research Conference: 25-26 June 2012, Radisson Blu Hotel, Beijing, China. Neirotti, P., De Marco, A., Cagliano, A.C., Mangano, G. and Scorrano, F., 2014. Current trends in Smart City initiatives: Some stylised facts.Cities,38, pp.25-36. Brush, C., 2012.International entrepreneurship: The effect of firm age on motives for internationalization(Vol. 5). Routledge. Bonoli, G., 2017.Labour market and social protection reforms in international perspective: parallel or converging tracks?. Taylor Francis.
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