Monday, March 30, 2020
Issues In Ethical Hacking And Penetration Testing Information Technology Essay Essay Example
Issues In Ethical Hacking And Penetration Testing Information Technology Essay Paper In this fast turning concern universe the growing of Information Technology is sky-scraping. Information is a concern plus, therefore it is really of import to protect the Business Intelligence and the confidential information. It may protect its handiness, privateness and unity. Information Security is more than protecting computing machine informations security ; it is the procedure of protecting the rational belongings of an organisation which engages with Network Security. The handiness of entree to stored information onA serverA databases has increased to a great extent. Most of the companies store their concern and single information on their computing machine than of all time before. Many concerns are entirely stand on information stored in their information centres. Personal staff inside informations, client lists, wages, bank history inside informations, selling, gross revenues information and more significantly their research and development secret formula or selling schemes may all be stored on a database. If they lack this information, it would straight impact the concern operations. Therefore powerful Information security systems needed to be executed to protect this information. We will write a custom essay sample on Issues In Ethical Hacking And Penetration Testing Information Technology Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Issues In Ethical Hacking And Penetration Testing Information Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Issues In Ethical Hacking And Penetration Testing Information Technology Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The biggest menace to concerns may be the people who make a life fromA hackingA or transgressing through information security systems. By utilizing their technological accomplishments, they are courageous plenty to interrupt into computing machine system and entree secured information. Hackers can even turn your place computing machine into a bomb ( Randy Jefferies, 2005 ) . Firewalls, which are intended to forestall entree to a computing machine web, can be easy bypassed by aA black chapeau viz. a hacker with the right tools and accomplishments. The breach can ensue a heavy loss of important information, or a virus could be planted and cancel all secured information as an interloper. So that is why Information Security Professionals plays a huge function in this Business Industry, because of this, there is an of import place for ethical hackers, who can support and protect the organisation against cybercriminals and even they are capable of perforating their ain system for the testing intents.When the inquiry arise that, is choping really bad? Or is it possibleA that there are times when hacking can be seen as good? Before addressingA these scenarios, the term hackers and moralss demands to be defined. So this is where ethical hacker comes in. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Ethical Hacking can be defined as choping a web or a system to seek and prove exposures that a hacker could work and take advantage of the system. This implies, making it for the improvement of the house. This procedure is done to procure and support the system from cybercriminals known as black chapeaus with a lawfully authorised manner. The people who involve in ethical hacking are called as white chapeaus who are professionally trained security experts. Most of the houses employ one these White Hats to protect their information systems whilst some house s hires. The Computer offense is where the computing machine isA the topographic point of the offense and the condemnable activities can run fromA fraud, larceny, and counterfeit. Businesss who try to near the problemA have independent computing machine security professionals who attempt to breakA into the computing machine systems and penetrate as mentioned above. Both of these people, crackers andA professionals are ethical hackers, but they have different moralss. Negative observation of hacking, When is choping bad? In recent intelligence, a certain hacker who claims to beA known as Gwerdna hacked into a Mac computing machine, He even made remarks onA how easy it was for him to chop into the security and he has stated to interrupt into that library machine he merely took 10 proceedingss. ( Micheal Harvey, 2006 ) . The term Ethical Hacking can be addressed as incursion proving. This is a method of measuring the web or computing machine system by imitating an onslaught from a malicious beginning, a White Hat Hacker but act as a Black Hat Hacker ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) . These ethical hackers use these methods which can be identified and clarified as malicious package s viz. Buffer Overflow, Logic Bomb, Parasite, Sniffer, Spoof, Trojan Horse, Virus, Worms. Importance and Benefits of Ethical Hacking As mentioned above the ground for carry oning an ethical drudge, evidently, is to maintain information assets secure. One study conducted by Rick Blum, stated that It ( ethical hacking ) is really of import and helps salvage you money and repute in the long tally. ( Rick Blum, 2009 ) .Network testing is the most of import type of ethical drudge, because it is obvious the hacker can easy interrupt the firewall and acquire into the web. So web should be extremely secured. That s a ground why it is considered as a really of import fact for organisation because of the lifting cyber offense rates and the high growing of cyber felons. Since computing machine engineering has developed, the offense rates besides increased. The rational hackers have made mass devastations and losingss for many companies and they have damaged their database and leaked information. Had exploited the trade name image of most of the houses and damaged their trust on their patronage. Hackers have transferred 1000000s of dollars without any consciousness of the Bankss and their engagement. Even hacked into constabulary section s exigency aid desks. For illustration a group of hackers called Vandals hacked the New York City Police Departments voice- mail system and replaced the usual polite proclamations with You have reached the New York City Police Department. For any existent exigencies, dial 119.Anyone else we re a small busy right now eating some doughnuts and holding java. It continued You can merely keep the line. We ll acquire back to you.We re small slow, if you know what I mean. Thank You . The bogus messages continued for 12 hours before they were investigated and corrected by ethical hackers ( Donald Pimkins, 2000 ) Some clip ethical hacking will non uncover exposures of a web or a system. But there are a figure of effect benefits that can be derived from an ethical hacking procedure. The image below will give a clear thought of what are the benefits available in this procedure and how it can be prioritized. Referee: hypertext transfer protocol: // The size of the menace depends on the type of the concern and how its tantrums with hacker s motivations. Therefore to forestall these sorts of issues and menaces in future houses employ ethical hackers. The term moralss will be clearly structured in the undermentioned paragraphs with the support of ethical rules, ethical issues, ethical quandary and ethical theories. Business Ethical motives Harmonizing to the survey Business moralss can be defined as a signifier of applied moralss that examine ethical rules and moral or ethical jobs that occur in a concern environment ( Gwendolyn Cuizon, 2009 ) . Many concerns have gained a bad repute merely by being in concern. By non being stick to concern moralss policy houses may fall in problem, if a concern is damaged by an ethical catastrophe it affects the underside line which implies net income. It is agreed that IT systems are put in topographic point to back up the strategic planes of an organisation which would be in lined with concern moralss. So that is why organisations see moralss as, a conveying competitory border to their concern. In my point of position in concern, the perspective position of stakeholders are different, they see there s what s illegal, what s legal but unethical, ethical but against company policy, non against policy but non in the client s best involvements, and eventually what s non truly opposite to the client s best involvements but is nt truly traveling to profit them furthermore. Which can be understood by the below image. hypertext transfer protocol: // Ethical Principles and Ethical Issues Ethical rules can be defined as the foundation of ethical behaviour. An ethical rule arrives from the societal Context, from spiritual beliefs, and from ethical theory. These ethical rules can applied to computing machine engineerings that have an impact on people s day-to-day lives where they interacts in authorities, in instruction, at work, at drama land and exercise ) ( Penny Duquenoy, 2010 ) Some general ethical rules can be listed as Respecting others See others as equal Keep promises Respect the belongings of others Act candidly The rules can be addressed as below which relevant to Information Systems professionals and related engineerings officers. The Royal Academy of Engineering, in coaction with Engineering Council ( UK ) and a figure of the taking professional technology establishments, has developed a Statement of Ethical Principles to which it believes all professional applied scientists and Information Professionals should follow. aˆ? Accuracy and Rigor aˆ? Honesty and Integrity aˆ? Respect for Life, Law and the Public Good aˆ? Responsible Leadership: Listening and Informing ( Engineering Ethical motives, 2007 ) Ethical issues can be addressed as whatever threatens or interrupt an ethical rule is an ethical issue. For illustration ethical rule Respect the belongings of others Ethical Issue Hack person s computing machine without their permission and steal information and destroy it by directing a virus or a worm So by understanding this illustration an ethical issue can be clearly understood. And to measure these sorts of ethical issues in different positions ethical theories should be applied. Ethical Theories As discussed above an ethical issue can be identified and evaluated by utilizing ethical theories.These theories can be used as tools for doing ethical determinations, and they may besides helpful in supplying a footing for critical thought. An issue can be taken in different positions and formed sentiments with helpful of ethical theories. There are two chief ethical theories, Kantianism Consequentialism Kantianism The Kants theory can be defined summarized without traveling in deep. Kant says that how we behave ethically comes from within us, and the things that we decide are good or bad are based on whether we could conceive of everyone making them. ( Immanuel Kant ) So for illustration, it would be logically conflicting to state that interrupting a promise is good because if everyone broke their promises there would be a loss of trust in promises, and the whole nature of a promise would be lost. Therefore, he says, that certain things can non be universalized which means they would non work if everyone did them, and those things are incorrect. Examples are: killing others, lying, stealing, interrupting promises. Furthermore, in Kant s point of position, things that we view as wrong are basically incorrect that is, they are ever incorrect and there is neer any ground state of affairs where they would be right. This conflicts straight with the theory of consequentialism, which will be addressed following. Consequentialism Consequentialism theory can be defined as, a theory which deals with effects of actions instead than the actions themselves.So, and for illustration, it could be argued that stealing could sometimes be the right action to take provided the result is for the good . Theory says that a good result is that which brings the greatest benefit to the greatest figure of people . Therefore larceny, for illustration, is a morally acceptable act if it brings greater benefit to the greatest figure. For illustration, if a male monarch has a warehouse full of nutrient when most of the people in the state are hungering. In this case stealing the nutrient to administer it to the starvation people would be the right thing to make. So by this act a great figure of people get benefited. So in this instance harmonizing to consequentialism theory stealing is non bad while it to the full contradicts with Kantians theory. Ethical Dilemmas Ethical quandary can be addressed as moral quandary. An ethical quandary is a state of affairs where in moral rule or ethical duties conflict in such a manner as to do any possible declaration to the quandary morally unbearable. In other words, an ethical quandary is any state of affairs in which steering moral rules can non find which class of action is right or incorrect. Can simplified as you will hold issue and you will hold a solution which will take you to an unethical manner. ( Lee Flamand, 2007 ) . Ethical, Legal, Professional, Social and Cultural Issues in Ethical Hacking When we discuss about ethical hacking there are many issues which can be listed, which will originate in many fortunes. For measuring these issues and come up with a good solution or sentiments the above discussed, structured ethical rules and ethical theories can be taken off. This will evidently give a clear image to the reader. In this survey for farther more analysis two of import incidents will be assessed by me utilizing the both ethical theories. A Dutch hacker who copied patient files from a University of Washington medical centre ( and was non caught ) said in an online interview that he did it to publicise the system s exposure non to utilize the information. He disclosed parts of the files to a journalist after the medical centre said that no patient files had been copied. ( Sara Baase, A Gift of Fire, 2003. ) If we critically measure the above scenario, it is obvious that the hacker has committed a cyber offense and he should be punished harmonizing to the Kantianism theory which tells some actions are ever incorrect . Even though the Dutch hacker did nt misused the copied files he has break into the web and penetrated it. So it s ethically incorrect when we see in the position of Kant s theory. But if we evaluate this utilizing Consequentialism theory it will wholly belie with Kantianism theory. Though the hacker was non acquire caught he has came to an online interview to denote that there is exposure in University of Washington s medical Centre s web which can be easy attacked. So this good behaviour of the hacker shows that he has came to this determination refering about the improvement of the patients. which direct the theory an action is good If the effects bring greatest benefit to figure of people .If he has published all the copied files through the cyberspace the both parti es will be acquire affected, the patients and the University. The files may incorporate confidential information of patients and which they neer want to expose. So although this act can be identified as ethically right whilst its lawfully incorrect. Therefore by this action the Medical Centre gets a opportunity to procure and support their systems from future onslaughts. But a harmonizing to the statement A solution to an ethical issue can raise another issue Anonymous. May be this act is ethically right harmonizing to the theory of Consequentialism. But what if the hacker found some medical information about his friend? Which information is a kept secret? What if he tells him? What if the friends get to cognize that his confidential medical information has got leaked through the cyberspace? These sorts of issues can originate which will sometimes take into an ethical quandary. If we move to the following instance which is, A 17 twelvemonth old hacker know as YTcracker, who penetrated several authorities and military web sites ( including those properties to the Bureau of Land Management s National Training Center, NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center and the Defense Contracts Audit Agency ) said he routinely sends messages to authorities web site decision makers take a firm standing that they address exposures and follow Unix or other more unafraid systems can be penetrated, but the messages mostly go neglected. YTcracker said in his disfigurement of web site he targeted systems the authorities would look at and take earnestly and procure it. ( Federal Computer Week, 1999 ) Though this instance is Similar to the above discussed one, it provides a different thought. The hacker who has penetrated all these sites called YTcracker has merely one purpose that is to alarm and advise the authorities organisations to protect their valuable information s, Which can be easy breached and gained entree. If critically measure this instance harmonizing to the Kantianism theory. The act of YTcracker is ethically incorrect as it threatens the ethical rules go beyond the theory. But harmonizing to the point of Consequentialism theory the act is ethical. Because the hacker has nt done any harm to the authorities organisations utilizing their web sites. He has merely warned and notified them to do them more secured. So greater sum of people gets benefited, because there are most sensitive information s are available in authorities sites such as National Security, Military and NASA. So if the hacker leaks the information from their databases what will go on there are would be a immense job for the US authorities. But both of these incidents are illegal harmonizing to the Computer Misuse Act 1990 even they are ethical harmonizing to the theories. Because the hackers have offended unauthorised entree to computing machine stuff ( Misuse Act 1990 ) Ethical Concerns and Professional Issues When implementing an ethical drudge in an organisation there are ethical issues which engages with information systems professionals can be addressed as, Ethical Hackers have to interrupt the organisations security policy and processs. Violating the codification of behavior. Privacy of the employer and employees Secret Business scheme, Marketing Strategy and merchandise formula escape If we further analyze above ethical issues a inquiry may originate, Does ethical hacking is ethical? Before address the issues, we are tend to happen a solution for the above inquiry so if, we evaluate the inquiry by seting into Kantianism theory somehow its interrupting the regulations and ordinance, braking the houses security policies and processs, perforating the codification of behavior. So this act of ethical hacking can can non be ethical. Even though the professional hackers do it legally it can be unethical, Harmonizing to Kant s point of position. Sing with position point of consequentialism theory this procedure can be identified as ethically right, because it s all done for the improvement of the organisation. So there is no manner of knocking it. Firms do these to seek the exposures and support the full web there should be a testing process. So this can be taken as that. In this point of position we can make up ones mind it s all ethically correct, even though they break their ain codification of behavior. As information systems professionals point of position ethical hacking can be identified as a complete muss. Because they have to lodge to a codification of behavior. Then merely they are professionals. But when they are being forced to go against these footings when they involve in incursion trials there are in problem as professionals. Therefore as professionals who are expected to follow with local Torahs, sometimes they may hold to measure and measure ethical and legal issues against their forces values. There can be privacy invasion takes topographic point when they do a ethical drudge. Most of the houses hire an ethical since they do nt use one. So when he perforate their systems and web he can acquire whatever the information he needs from the organisations databases and webs. All confidential employee and spouse paperss and information can be seen. The ethical hacker is able to see all the weak points of the firewall. If the ethical hacker is non a professional he may assail the organisation subsequently when he needs. Or he will be a large menace. So these issues may originate. And even the secret selling and concern scheme of a taking company leaks the hacker can sell it for the rivals. So this would be a menace for some houses to carry on and incursions test utilizing an Legal Issues and Laws When sing about legal facets, the issues which was discussed in the above paragraphs can be brought up since it involves legal issues. Even though those incidents were ethical, it s wholly illegal, because it breaks the Computer Misuse Act 1990. This Act will be clearly discussed below, The Computer Misuse Act 1990 TheA Computer Misuse Act 1990A is an Act of theA UK Parliament. The Bill finally became the Computer Misuse Act in August 1990.The Act introduced three new condemnable offenses: Unauthorized entree to computing machine stuff Unauthorized entree to computing machine stuff with the purpose to perpetrate or ease committee of farther offenses Unauthorized alteration of computing machine stuff. ( Statuelaw, 1990 ) What if an ethical hacker pretends to be an inside interloper? He who knows the full web and secrets of a company. So he can easy damage and destruct the full information system. When these state of affairss occur harmonizing to the abuse act legal issues can be identified. For an illustration a disgruntled computing machine technician at Reuters in Hong Kong detonated logic bombs at five investment-bank clients, doing 36 hours of downtime in webs supplying market information crucial for trading. The Bankss switched instantly to alternative services and reported no important effects on their work ; nevertheless, Reuters was profoundly embarrassed by the incident ( Financial Times Limited, November 1996 ) so looking into these factors the organisation should be to the full cognizant of these sorts of menace which can be aroused. Sometimes Internal political relations may coerce the ethical hacker to do immense losingss for the house. When they employ for and public company. There are so many people in a manager board. So what if the ethical hacker gets an order from higher direction to works a logic bomb or make a parasite for of import information of the house and put the incrimination on another individual. For the ethical hacker this occupation is non that much hard. Even they may inquire him to steal other companies confidential paperss. This might do legal issues which will wholly damage the house s repute. These sorts of issues can originate without the consciousness of the direction. Social and Cultural Concerns It is agreed that in concern moralss there are tonss of issues as deeply addressed in above paragraphs and societal and cultural issues can besides identified as one of them. Social issues are about to impact on the society. IT depends on the society s reaction and behaviour. Harmonizing to the ethical rules houses should negociate with the society. If an Information System of a Hospital or a School got hacked, there would be immense issues in the society. As their sensitive information contain on those Information Systems. Similarly this instance may happen in a house. So when an ethical hacker gets involved in this procedure he has to maintain the trust on them if non the incrimination can be put on him by the society. So both parties get affected. The trade name image can be acquire spoilt in the society when their information s get leaked out. They will lose the trust and religion on their employer. And when the ethical hacking procedure gets leaked out there are opportunities of impacting the company s civilization. If there is a civilization there are certain values to be respected. And if this values acquire exploited by the incursion examiners issues may originate. And when they design these IS system they should esteem the values without harming it. For e.g. Pornography. Decision From the clearly structured survey, it is understood ethical hacking consideration is important to keeping a verifiable degree of information security. Even though there are tonss of issues in certain facets of Ethical hacking ; it is a critical constituent of our overall security plan which keeps the internal, contracted security. Ethical hacking is a necessity in order to protect company assets and remain near to the world of unethical hacking. It ethical hacking is really of import and helps salvage you money and repute in the long tally. Ethical Hacking is the best manner to measure the web from an foreigner s position. To cut down the addressed issues above organisations can hold their ain ethical hacking squad or hacker to forestall outside information escape and to acquire rid of the fright of that. I think ethical hacking is a must hold for any serious organisation today in this fast moving concern universe. It should be a critical portion of any proactive organisation in today s planetary competitory market.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The History Behind a Novel
The History Behind a Novel Free Online Research Papers Even though many people think history is boring, most classic novels take place during a historical time. The Prince and the Pauper takes place during the fifteen thirties of England during the reign of the House of Tudors. Through the use of historical facts Mark Twain demonstrates historical significance of the novel by using the reign of the Tudor family. Although Elizabeth I, is someone who is very simplistic in The Prince and The Pauper, she brings lots of humor into the plot. Elizabeth I , the second daughter of King Henry VIII and first daughter to Anne Boelyn, Henry’s second wife, was born on September seventh fifteen thirty three. Elizabeth became the queen of England in fifteen thirty eight, after her half sister Mary I, was forced into exhile in fifteen fifty seven. The way that Mark Twain positions Elizabeth into the novel is that she portrays Edward’s half-sister, a sweet, proper teenage girl, although she is always full of joy, shoe dooes not recognize that the boy, Tom Canty who is pretending to be Edward, is not her brother. He says â€Å"The details are never made obtrusive, and the â€Å"local color†is never laid on with excess: but the spirit of the age preceding that of Elizabeth is maintained with just the proper degree of art to avoid artfulness†(Vogelback 50). She says â€Å"We know it, sir,’ said the Princess Elizabeth, taking her ‘brother’s’ hand between her two palms; ‘trouble not thyself as to that. The fault is none of thine, but thhy distemper’s.’†(Twain 37). In the novel, Elizabeth is attempting to tell her brother not to fear about their father’s illness, since he is strong and will get better soon. Twain analyzes Elizabeth as caring, proper, yet extremely naive. In The Prince and The Pauper, no matter the difficulties they faced, Edward was comforted by eldest half sister Mary I. Mary was born in February during fifteen sixteen, she was the first surviving child to King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. After her brother was born, the English parliament declared Elizabeth and Mary unauthorized to the thorne in the future if Henry was to pass away. Twain demonstrates Mary role as Edwards older, supportive sister. He says â€Å"The princesses Mary and Elizabeth kindly tried aid their supposed brother, who by that time was too frightened to confess that he was Tom Canty, a beggar dressed in the prince’s clothing.†(Masterplots 3). Although Mary is devastated by the death of her father, she does her best to make sure that Edward has the support to be the next king of England. Even though King Henry VIII had three children, it did not stop him from marrying Catherine Parr, his sixth and final wife. After the death of her husband John Neville, Lord Latimer, she became betrothed to recent widower King Henry VIII, for he had just witnessed the execution on his late wife Catherine Howard. She changed the lives of Henry’s children for when she suggested that Princess Mary and Elizabeth be put next for the throne. Catherine was a wonderful champion and a nurse, although when news stretched about how Henry’s health was beginning to become fatal, she remained his personal nurse. In The Prince and The Pauper, Twain analyzes Catherine in the novel as Edward’s stepmother, even though that was who Catherine really was during that time. In the novel, Catrherine is doing a duel role being a mother to the children and a nurse to Henry. After the king’s death, Catherine wonders why Edward is acting so strange as the days come closer to the day of his crowning ceremony. While Catherine is determined to find out why Edward is acting so peculiar, yet still focusing on getting Edward ready for his formal procedure as king. Catherine is not Edward’s birth mother, so Catherine does not recognize that Edward is Tom. Catherine says â€Å" ‘O, my child, my darling!’†(Twain 233). This is how Twain identifies Catherine in the novel, and still using the historical background. The character that is the most historic in The Prince and The Pauper, for not as crucial is King Henry VIII, king of England. Henry changed the countenance of England as though as many times he had been married. Henry’s first marriage to his late brother’s widow Catherine of Aragon was unsuccessful because she was barren and was only able to carry to full term only one healthy child, Mary. Henry believed he was cursed for marrying his brother’s wife he felt that he should find someone younger who could give him a male heir, therefore he fell for the manipulative Anne Boelyn. Anne had no interests in Henry, she wanted the crowne, and Henry to divorce Catherine simply because she refused to become his mistress. In order to be married married to Anne Henry had no choice; incedentially he had to break with the Roman Catholic church. Henry’s marriage was not successful to Anne either because she to gave him another daughter,Elizabeth. Feeling as though god was punishing him, therefore he had Anne Boelyn beheaded and married her lady in waiting Jane Seymour. Jane gave Henry a son, but died shortly after the birth, sooner than he was wedded to Anne of Cleves. The marriage to Anne was not very promising, so Henry had then decided to divorce Anne and marry Catherine Howard. Sooner than six months after their marriage Henry had Catherine beheaded for treason, and proceeded to marrying his final wife Catherine Parr. In The Prince and The Pauper, King Henry’s role is the king, but he is deathly ill. â€Å"King Henry issued an edict that no one should discuss the royal lapse of memory.†(Masterplots 5). Although Henry did not notice that Edward (Tom) was not his son, for he still felt hurt when Edward (Tom) did not recognize his own father. He says â€Å"‘Dost thou know thy father, child? Break not mine old heart; say thou know’st me. Thou dost know me, dost thou not?’†( Twain 27). Since before he was wor ried about not having a male heir, he has nothing to fear because he knows that his son Edward will make a terrific king of England. He says â€Å"While he was ill, King Henry VIII had given the great seal of the kingdom to Prince Edward for safe keeping.†(Masterplots 2). This is how Twain analyzes King Henry in the novel;still telling about his fears of dying and the future his country. The most conspicuous character throughout the The Prince and The Pauper is Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales (also known as Edward VI). Edward VI (Edward Tudor) was born in the year of fifteen thirty seven. He is the first and only son of King Henry VIII, and Jane Seymour, Henry’s third wife. Edward was born into the family that had been ruling England since fourteen eighty five. Edward became the king of England at the age of ten after the death of his father in fifteen forty- two. Twain takes advantage of these facts to make write this novel. In his novel, Edward is nine years old and his tired of being the next ruler to take the throne when his father dies and just wants to be an average kid. Magill says â€Å"Edward, if in an obviously comfortable position, lives in the palace, dominated by the dying Henry VIII†(Magill 1965). Although he has access to whatever his heart desires, he would like to catch a glimpse at what life is like beyond the palace walls. Those wishes become true after he meets Tom Canty, a beggar boy who has the same resemblance to Edward. While speaking with Tom, Edward realizes that they both want different things. They realize that Tom wants to see what it is like to live in the palace and Edward wants to see what it is like to be normal. Edward says â€Å"Oh, prithee, say no more, ’tis glorious! If that I could but clothe me in raiment like to thine, and strip my feet, and revel in the mud once, just once, with no rebuke me or forbid, misdeemed I could forgo the crown!†(Twain 9). In the novel, as soon as Edward has switched places with Tom Canty, he is ecstatic to be normal. Edward loves to run in the mud, play with the peasant children that are his own age. Masterplots says â€Å"The Prince of Wales was still wondering the streets as a homeless waif when King Henry died.†(Masterplots 3). Twain analyzes that most princes want to live beyond the palace walls, yet still ruling their country. Although Mark Twain is a classic American novelists, and wrote a lot of humorous masterpieces. While using historical facts, Mark Twain was able to get ideas and characters for The Prince and The Pauper. Most classic novels take place during the most historical times in history, and are incorported represented throughout the novel. The novel took place during the fifteen hundreds during the monarch reign of the Tudor family. Magill, Frank N. Masterplots. Ed. Laurence W. Mazzeno. Pasadena:Salem Press Inc., 1976. Magill, Frank N. Magill’s Survey of American Literature. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Vol. 6. North Bellmore: Salem Press Inc, 1991. â€Å"The Prince and the Pauper.†Masterplots, Revised Second Edition (1996): Literary Reference Center. EBSCO.Web.2 Nov.2009 Twain, Mark. The Prince and The Pauper. London:Puffin Group, 1983. Vogelback, Arthur Lawrence â€Å"The Prince and the Pauper: A Study in Critical Standards.†American Literature 14.1 (1942): 48. Literary Reference Center.EBSCO. Web. 9 Oct.2009. Research Papers on The History Behind a NovelComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Fifth HorsemanHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionHip-Hop is ArtAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeWhere Wild and West MeetStandardized TestingMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era
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