Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cosmetic Changes Of Medical Technology - 1459 Words
Introduction With the development of medical technology, many ambulatories and cosmetic changes can be done by surgical services. This has lead the demand for surgical services to grow rapidly in the past decade. The ambulatory surgery in United States hospitals had increased to 2.9 million procedures, according to the data from American Hospital Association. As medical technology has developed day by day, some hospitals have introduced digital operating room, tele surgery, and robotic assistants. These modern technologies can offer shorter hospital stays, less pain, faster recovery and fewer complications. However, many new technologies come with many requirement checks, safety checks, etc. that cause a delay with the pre-surgical check. In general, surgical services cost about 40% of the hospital’s overall revenue. However, operating room performance has many issues that cause inefficiencies and delays in the operation. A study shows that if the hospitals can operate one more procedure p er day per operation room, it could translate to an additional $4 million to $7 million in annual revenue. Summary A large number of hospitals are having a delay in processing time. They are expecting six-sigma to be a useful tool to enhance the quality of operating room process. The project has set several target areas to improve. These areas include improving the first case start time, optimizing technologies, improving room turnover times, ensuring appropriate scheduling, improvingShow MoreRelatedPlastic Surgery And Its Effect On Society1169 Words  | 5 Pagesachieve such looks is through the process of plastic surgery, women especially. Women feel an immense amount of pressure to achieve a certain look to be considered beautiful. Plastic surgery is a cosmetic procedure in which in helps to alter the appearance and functions of the body. Over the cosmetic procedures have become a norm and many people see it as a necessity in order for them to love themselves. These standards of beauty have become a tool, in which measures a woman’s sense of worth. ThisRead MorePlastic Surgery Deba te992 Words  | 4 PagesSurgery I. Introduction Plastic Surgery, or Cosmetic Surgery, is surgery that is unnecessary from a medical perspective, but is carried out to improve appearance. Cosmetic surgery is initiated by an individual who wants to change the physical appearance of a feature. Although in many cases their physical appearance is normal, they may wish to change the size of their breasts or the shape of their nose. An individual may also use cosmetic surgery to change disfigured body parts and give them a smootherRead MoreBenefits of Plastic Surgery1027 Words  | 5 Pagesbut it can also be used for medical purposes. Some people may say that it is best to be contented with what was bestowed upon you but it is also not wrong to rely on technology to improve what was given to you. There are a lot of advantages of plastic surgery but mainly this type of surgery is used to enhance beauty. Women are more likely to undergo plastic surgery but some males also undergo this medical procedure if they think they need to have some major changes in their body. Women tendRead MorePlastic Surgery Helps Self-Esteem Essay954 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å" To men a man but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what he wears? But woman’s body is still the woman. â€Å"(Bierce,1958). People nowadays want to be more beautiful and perfect. They will do anything to fulfill their needs. Cosmetic surgery is modern variation of a practice as old as humankind. Every culture has some customs that prescribe deliberately changing a body’s natural appearance (Brain, 1979). The methods, however, are diverse and particular to a culture at a specific period of timeRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : Plastic, Reconstructive Surgeries Have The Word `` Surgery906 Words  | 4 Page sCosmetic, plastic, reconstructive surgeries have the word â€Å" surgery†in them, so there are risks go together with them. No surgical procedure is a hundred percent safe. Actually, several surgeries in this area are major surgeries; they are a not all minor surgeries like many people think. According the department of surgery of University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester in New York, â€Å"Breast reconstruction is major surgery, with the risks, discomforts, and recuperation period of most major surgeryRead MoreCosmetic Testing with Animals is Cruel Essay1302 Words  | 6 PagesCruelty of Cosmetic Testing on Animals  Each year, thousands of animals are brutally tortured in laboratories, in the name of cosmetic research. A movement to ban animal testing for cosmetic purposes has been gaining popularity, with many companies hopping on the bandwagon against this research. New alternatives have been developed to eliminate the necessity to test on animals. This is only a small beginning of what is necessary to end these immoral acts. Animal testing in cosmetics is uselessRead MoreCosmetic Surgery1251 Words  | 6 PagesThe Negative and Positive Effects of Cosmetic Surgery Are you considering cosmetic surgery? The numbers of individuals electing these surgeries are growing rapidly each year. Much of this rapid growth is because of advances in technology that have made plastic surgery techniques both safer and more affordable, as well as cutting down on recovery time. Cosmetic surgery improves body image and self-esteem and reconstructive surgery fixes irregularities such as hereditary disorders, birthRead MorePlastic Surgery And Its Effects Essay1664 Words  | 7 Pagesbody†(Lee), and cosmetic surgery, which is the removal or addition of tissue in order to â€Å"make a person look younger or more attractive†(Gregg). Plastic surgery comes from the Greek word plastikos, which means to shape or to form (Gregg). Dating back to ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Indian civilizations, plastic surgery has changed meaning throughout time (Lee and Sprague). Even though plastic surgery can have its benefits, overall it is a harmful, a nd highly expensive technology that is changingRead MoreMedical Tourism : An Open Gateway For Patients863 Words  | 4 PagesGenerally, medical tourism refers to the act of people travelling overseas to an under-developed country to obtain medical, cosmetic, or dental treatment. One main reason why medical tourism is becoming more popular is because not everybody has health insurance, and if they do have health insurance, the insurance company will most likely not cover the cost of the whole treatment, leaving patients in great debt. This is why people who cannot afford healthcare, choose to travel abroad as it is cheaperRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : The Role Of Culture And Social Contact1010 Words  | 5 PagesCosmetic surgery is becoming trendy not just in the United States, but internationally as well. We are surrounded by media that constantly reminds the society of the ways in which we should appear. The media imprints a message that happiness and success come from beauty. Media establishes this through only showing certain body figures on celebrity television shows and magazines. Because of this self-esteem begins to plummet, and people consider cosmetic surgery in hopes to boosting their self-esteem
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
William Griffith Wilson Co-Founder of Alcoholic Anonymous
William Griffith Wilson, also known as Bill Wilson, or Bill W. was born on November 26, 1895 in Dorset, Vermont. He was brought into the world at the home and business of his parents Emily and Gilman Wilson, The Mount Aeolus Inn and Tavern. As Bill grew up into a boy his parents marriage fell apart and had abandoned him only to be raised by his grandparents. Bill’s father never returned home after a business trip, and his mother went abroad to study osteopathic medicine. (â€Å"Bill Wilson†, 2012). In his early teens Bill showed great determination in everything he did. For instance, there was a time he spent months just building a wooden boomerang. He eventually became his football teams captain, and was the principal violinist in his school†¦show more content†¦Determined to get better, he checked into a hospital and underwent the treatment at that time for alcoholics, the barbiturate and belladonna cure, also known as purge and puke. (Pudgett, (nd)). Regardl ess of how he felt, he continued to do what he needed to do to stay sober. His permanent sobriety began on December 11, 1934. As Bill lay in the hospital, the thought came to him that there were thousands of hopeless alcoholics who might be overjoyed to have what was so freely given to him. He felt as though he could help some of those alcoholics. Then those he helped, might in turn work with other struggling alcoholics, passing on the message. Bill, then came to understand how helping others would be imperative to his recovery.( Cheever, 2004). After his release from the hospital, he managed to stay sober but returned to the hospital quite often to help other alcoholics undergoing detox. It was during this time that Bill faced his moment of truth at the Mayflower Hotel and began his association and friendship with Dr. Bob Smith. Bill and Dr. Bob helped each other first and then reached out to other alcoholics. Soon they began to hold meetings for recovering alcoholics so that the y could support their recovery group and welcome others who were looking for help, struggling or not; these meeting are now known as Alcoholics Anonymous. (Pudgett, (nd)). Mahatma Gandhi onceShow MoreRelatedManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 PagesStevens Institute of Technology Daniel W. DeHayes Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Jeffrey A. Hoffer School of Business Administration, The University of Dayton E. Wainright Martin Kelley School of Business, Indiana University William C. Perkins Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City SaoRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesrather than intuitive or informal rule-of-thumb knowledge. Based on his experiments and observations as a manufacturing manager in a variety of settings, he developed four principles to increase efï ¬ ciency in the workplace: Frederick W. Taylor, founder of Scientiï ¬ c Management, and one of the ï ¬ rst people to study the behavior and performance of people at work. scientiï ¬ c management The systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase
Monday, December 9, 2019
Helping free essay sample
â€Å"Is this guy crazy?†â€Å"Why has he parked his car where the carts go?†I pulled up and there was a man in his sixties sitting in the car. He had a wrinkly face and light grey hair. I asked him he needed help with anything. He asked me if I could go out to whole number ten and get his blue jacket. At first I was thinking in my head that my shift was over in two minutes and hole ten is the furthest hole from the pro shop. â€Å"How nice this man asked me to get his jacket so I decided I would go.†I got onto the golf cart and drove out to hole number ten. When I got there, sure enough, his blue jacket was on the water table. I grabbed it and then drove back to the cart barn. When I returned the man had a big smile on his face. We will write a custom essay sample on Helping or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He thanked me about ten times. â€Å"Why is he so thankful?†It wasn’t that hard to drive a golf cart to get his jacket. Along with thanking me ten times he also gave me a three dollar tip, and then drove off. After he left, I changed my views on working. I thought to myself, if I could make a man so happy by doing something so little, then I should do that for everyone I can. I could care less about the three dollar tip he gave me. I would have been more than happy just for the response I got from him for doing something so small. Question: What will you bring to our college campus?
Monday, December 2, 2019
What to Do After College Applications are Submitted
Ahhh, Friday. Nothing like the end of a long week to put a little bit of extra spring in your step. And if youre an applicant who has finally finished putting together and submitting your applications, this Friday could be particularly relaxing.For the vast majority of college applicants, mid-January marks the point at which youve finished all of your applications. Whether you applied early and have been done for months or caught one of the many January 15 deadlines earlier this week, hopefully youre now at a point where you can stop obsessing over test scores, transcripts, essays, recommendations, and other application necessities. If you successfully submitted an application this cycle, whether one or twenty, heres something from all of us here at :Congratulations!!!While this particular outlet doesnt allow me to add much more emotion to the above exclamation (short of adding more exclamation points, but I consider three an absolute maximum), please accept our heartfelt best wishes . Everyone here, from editors to customer support, means it.With applications done, I often get asked whether there is anything else hopeful students should do at this time of year. The simple answer is yes see below for three suggestions on steps you should take when your applications are complete.1. Say Thank you!No matter how hard you worked to pull applications together, you inevitably had help from others during the process. Make sure that you take some time to say thanks to everyone who helped you along the way. Particularly important are those who wrote recommendations on your behalf. You may also want to reach out to those who helped you with essays, standardized test preparation, or general support. Finally, its always worth saying thanks to your parents even if you think they did nothing but nag and worry throughout the entire application process, theyre still immensely deserving of some gratitude.2. Dont completely check out.Applications are done, but that doesnt mean y ou should start coasting right now. There are still many good reasons to stay focused and avoid the infamous senior slump. Here are just a few: AP exams. If youre taking any AP courses, giving them your all and ultimately earning a 4 or 5 on AP exams can earn you college credit or allow you to skip entry-level coursework. Financial aid. Merit-based financial aid will definitely consider your academic performance as a whole, including this semester. Waitlisting. Dont forget that theres a chance you wont be accepted or rejected when admissions decisions are made, but rather waitlisted. If that happens, you wont want to give the school any reason to second guess your credentials.3. Relax!This ones simple. At this point, the process is out of your hands. Dont obsess over things, worrying that you couldve improved on something or made a mistake somewhere else. Your application is in, you did your best, and thats all that the admissions committee can ask for. Admissions officers are the o nes who will now be staying up late agonizing over applications. Its your turn to put your feet up, catch up on sleep, and remember what high school life is like without an application hanging over your head!
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